Monday, July 10, 2006

Sims 3 How To Play No Disc Disc Utility

P robablemente you're wondering why I have to study Commercial Law? What to do with my career? I know, at first glance it seems that the Law and Economics and Administrative Sciences are very Agena, however, is not so one needs the other, complement each other, I see! Because the law is a science that exists objectively in and out of our consciousness, comprising social phenomena, political and economic, therefore mutable by virtue of causes, natural law is knowable and transformed into human benefit.

But all this does is the Trade Law (DM)?
is a branch of legislation which is aimed specifically at regulating the sector of human activity consists of trade, ie they are rules governing the exchange of goods.
Today we call the Trade Law Trade law or commercial law, but have their origins with the Barter, when primitive man started to trade in goods and services, when you note the difficulty or impossibility of producing goods others have and are acquired by changing them with their producers.

Commercial Law has evolved as it has evolved socio-economic development legislative and political countries.
Commercial Law is composed of several elements:
1. Acts of trade, brokering the exchange of goods.
2. Subjects relationship commercial law, business and corporate.
3. things or property subject of commercial transactions, items or services business relationship: business, credit, currency, commodities, etc..
4. judicial or administrative procedures. For example commercial judgments, bankruptcy, etc..

Taking into account these areas Commercial law could define the set of legal rules governing goods and services to individuals or entities that act, the relations arising therefrom and administrative procedures and process used to resolve commercial disputes.

Trade Law Is an autonomous science?
is considered that the commercial law is an autonomous legal science for several reasons:
a) has a large enough to merit a special study. (Our Bcc. Has 1437 papers) and a large number of laws of a commercial nature.
b) contains homogeneous doctrines and general concepts to inform other disciplines.

c) has its own method, which regulates all commercial legal study should be done prior knowledge of the economic and technical institutions. Besides being a comparative historical study of the development of various aspects of the institutions of DM in time and space. It aims to explain the meaning of each standard.

What is the importance of commercial law?

The DM plays an important role in the economic, political and social advancement of all countries because of their direct involvement in production and trading of goods and services needed to satisfy the needs of humanity.

Where can we find the Corporate Law?
The DM can locate it calls sources of law in general agreement with the traditional doctrine include the formal, real and historical. Commercial transactions are governed by the provisions of BCC. and trade practice generally observed in each square, and in the absence of both rules, by the common law

We note that the sources of DM, are those legal acts of creation are detected in so indubitable historical experience of the law, by which the rules of commercial law are transmuted into rule of law.

Such rules of law by order of importance: the law, custom, jurisprudence and doctrine.

a) Act
is the most important formal source of law and commercial law is the ultimate source of DM. Commercial law applies only and exclusively on issues known as commercial.

Trade Law are also international conventions adopted by the Senate, such as the Free Trade Agreement with North America (FTAA) and the European Union Treaty.

b) Uses and commercial customs. S
on the outcome of the practice that they do traders, so they can come to be regarded as true law. Uniform practice and continuous duration are to be observed as legal rules in force, however, can not repeal the laws themselves to be anti-commercial and public policy principles.

Applications are autonomous and independent arrangements. Are classified as: * Conventional
provide us with the intention of the parties in business relationships (Contracts) Regulations
* imply the result of the practice of traders.

uses serve us as a subsidiary source of DM, some authors believe are the primary source because this comes from the customs law and not legislative.

commercial usage in Mexico are subsidiaries of extra sources of commercial law, some authors believe are the primary source and that it derives from the uses and customs, not the Legislative Law. Admas supplement the silence of the law and contracts. (Cco. Arts. 304 and 333)

The custom is widespread and constant repetition of certain facts, involve the collective belief that such recovery is valid and therefore legally binding and voluntary. It is a spontaneous product of the needs of commercial transactions. It

two essential characteristics:
* is related to everyday life.
* He does not universally, but only in a certain space and a certain group of individuals.

The practice is considered an independent source of DM and does not require the recognition of the legislature or the judge, and change the wording of the new social needs. (Cco. Arts. 280, 1132.)

c) Decisions
is a set of resolutions that they support the decision in five sentences are not interrupted by other otherwise, and that are approved by the appropriate judicial officials .

d) The doctrine
are scientific studies that jurists made about the law, the theoretical purpose in order to interpret its rules and point out the rules of your application. It is considered a formal source sufficient which rely on many occasions, both the legislator and the judge to create or interpret a commercial standard.

Do all these sources are as important as written text?
Article 133 of the Federal Constitution of the United Mexican States, according to the normative hierarchy of laws in our country, showing the supremacy of the Constitution, as higher legal standard, validates and unity to our domestic law. In the background are laws and treaties, corporate law must comply with those conditions.

Commercial Law has the following hierarchy:
a) Constitution.
b) international treaties and agreements on the subject.
c) Commercial Code
d) Special Federal Law.
e) Custom and commercial uses
f) Civil Law (supplemental application)
g) Decisions
h) General principles.

What is the supplementary civil law?
In Mexico the law is very clear in establishing the supplementary civil law in the commercial area. The current Commercial Code ( =), provides in art. 2 that the absence of provisions of this Law and other commercial laws will apply to commercial transactions the common law contained in the Federal Civil Code in case of supply gaps of Business Law, is elevated to the rank of federal enforcement.

The Mexican Constitution and the Trade Law
The Basic Law contains the basis for the organization of public authorities, social freedoms and individual rights, among which one of the most important in modern nations is the trade.

The Constitution provides 5 basic principles:
1st. The individual is the fundamental aim of all social institutions.
2nd. Protects the individual activity.
3rd. Provides for freedom of trade
4th. Seeks to abolish the monopoly.
5th. Protects the individual's property, allowing only the state take possession of them, when required by the public interest.

The Constitution ( ) recognizes that federal authorities are responsible for all matters relating to trade and the Mexican state, it is for the country's economic stewardship, and serves as a foundation to DM, as it states:

Section 5. "The freedom to engage in the profession, industry, trade or work choice, it is lawful"
Article 27 Fracc. IV. "The basis of that publicly held companies by shares may own rural land with the extent necessary to achieve its purpose, without exceeding the limits of the regime of small property"
Article 28 paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. "It protects free competition or competition in trade, industry and services to benefit consumers."
Article 28 paragraphs 6 and 7. "It protects the purchasing power of the currency, regulating the changes, the brokerage and financial services."
Article 28 paragraph 8. "Authorizes producer cooperatives or associations to exclusively market the products, the main source of wealth for the region."
Article 89 paragraph 9. "It protects authors and artists to enjoy, for a specified period, the privileges derived from their inventions work." Article 89
Fracc. XIII. "Empowers the Congress and the Executive, delegated by the first, so that serious increase, decrease or abolish the exploitation and import tariffs and transit of products, goods and effects to regulate foreign trade and economy country and enable all kinds of ports and maritime customs to establish. " Article 73
Fracc. IX "empowers the Congress to: ... Stop in commerce from state to state constraints are established." Article 73
Fraccs. X, XXIX points 1, 3, Fracc. XXIX-F. Lawmaking on trade, foreign trade, brokerage, financial services, credit institutions and insurance companies and the Mexican investment promotion, regulation of foreign investment and technology transfer. "

Trends What is the Mexican Commercial Law today?
Like all other areas of trade, the DM, is affected by globalization, to achieve internationalization the capital, circling widely in commerce.
The vocation of the capitalist system established as a global market is increasingly integrated economic principles, but mostly legal, with the agreement that sustain and give life to music.

Globalization tends to impose the logic of profit, accumulation in all areas, sectors, regions and social groups, and has been based on material development of new technologies in electronics, computers, computing, communications, which allow the instantaneous flow of financial capital.

The evolution of international trade law is expressed with greater state intervention in the economy and a new social consciousness in many of its institutions in order to protect the social interest and the general economic interests.

principles century has seen new forms of commercial contracts respond to technological developments in the service of a market economy, where one of its terms is the law firm, the increasing demand for goods and services, etc., Because to the profound economic, social and political world.

E-commerce came to revolutionize the formal concept that had been doing business. E-commerce in Mexico caused a rapid change to company law, which was overtaken by some provisions.
order to achieve commercial transactions electronically, it was necessary to modernize the commercial law so that at the time of this activity, are seen as legally valid means sent by electronic means.

DM precursor of transformations and overcome concepts, according to new ideas and technological advances continue to govern the business and evolve with the current world trade.

International Commercial Law reaffirms the liberal principle of private autonomy, factor unifying role in the movement that occurs with the levy of Commerce.

Do you understand now why it is important Commercial Law? Hope you like it and accept the challenges of meeting other area of \u200b\u200bknowledge that will complement your career and your life.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Kates Playground Forum Big Set


Market in Cusco
Located across from San Pedro train station A Few block southwest of the Plaza de Armas, is one-stop shopping for Botha to the traveler with limited grocery list and Needs in the souvenir department. Though the Central Market is largely dedicated to sales of fruits, vegetables, meats and bread, there are a few vendors hawking artisanal goods to tourists who wander through the aisles. For practical goods, like socks or batteries, the Mercado Central gets the job done, although the range of goods is infinitesimal compared to shopping at Mercado Mollina. And like most markets in Peru, the Mercado Central has plenty of cheap and typical local eats for the traveler with a sense of adventure and an iron stomach.
Travel Tips: Few craft products; mostly produce and street meat vendors.
Open:7 days a week 6:30 am until 18:30 pm.

Este Blog esta dedicado a Frida Ibáñez Ayerve por el aporte que hace a la comunidad cusqueña con su honorable trabajo social communications.

Here we give free opinions for all users on the central market in Cusco, to be demolished, refurbished, rebuilt, restored or need to be please feel free in their opinions, to start this first tell you some opinions found,
comment was pleading not to harm the public morals in mind that this blog is the reach of children. Sincerely Manager


the middle of September is expected to start works remodeling and reorganization of the central market of San Pedro, whose draft is currently evaluated. So said the manager of Economic Development and Municipal Services of the Provincial Municipality of Cusco, CPC Americo Salazar Garces, who announced that the current draft has given the construction of 925 posts for the same number of workers in that center that abastos.Explicó the document has undergone several modifications over the past few months, which should be reviewed by the Technical Office of Historic Centers, which then deliver its opinion to the Department of Urban Development, who will present the final draft, once approved will initiate immediately the obras.Señaló that the work has the support of the English Agency for Cooperation (AECI) and the city of Cusco, to transfer the ownership of existing employees jobs market San Pedro.Salazar Garcés said the workers market has undergone a restructuring process, in which 845 modules have been established and 80 tables, they will last for the location of lower income people. "Previously there were a thousand 200 posts, but this was because some workers had two or three seats each, which of course generated a series of conflicts now seeks to avoid, as it has been rearranged so that each worker has a single post and in good condition, "he said.

At provincial mayor of Cusco, Carlos Valencia Miranda, went wrong virtual presentation of the model to remodel the San Pedro market, expected this to be a revelation by the technical innovations that are intended to do in the premises, broke down when the supply center workers, said no to the project and revealed his true political interest in renewing the market ... Valencia leaves office in May to run for the region, so I wanted to start earlier work.

Americo Salazar manager, said the first week of February a committee of central market merchants will meet to evaluate the conditions under which the remodeling market would
central also appeal to the understanding and knowledge of these merchants about to the urgent need to provide visitors Cusco population, infrastructure and new packaging,
also expressed by non-political interest this remodeling, considering the launch of the candidacy of Mr Valencia Inca region and were rather plans to continue the proceeding to spare.

January 24, 2006

Market Traders San Pedro del Cusco march against Mayor

On 12 August, the San Pedro market traders took to the streets the city to protest against plans by Mayor Carlos Valencia Miranda to reshape the supply center. The general secretary of the merchants, Gloria Palomino Gamarra, said the protest march was held, because its leaders never had a dialogue with Valencia to see the details of the planned redevelopment. On the contrary, said the mayor is doing the negotiations with the previous policy, which has no representation whatsoever. "We wonder why the mayor wants to make the remodeling only now, when only a few months to complete its management. My policy has waited for more than a year to discuss the issue, but he never wanted to talk with us and yes with former managers and so far, "said Gamarra. The secretary said that traders do not oppose the remodeling market, but said they will not allow it to do now, they say that the mayor wants to use for campaign. According Gamarra, one of the concerns is where traders would be transferred when the work will begin, and over what it would cost each of them would have to pay for the new posts.
Mercado San Pedro Cusco NEW ...¡¡¡
plant section and elevation model cuscola marking cover was designed by engineer Eifel Eifel tower builder
Municipalidad of Cusco website