Saturday, April 30, 2011

Blank Acrostic Poem Generator

What it is?

Friday, April 29, 2011

Easy Cheap Centerpieces


abrasion platform - Downtown LA RNAi

- No use the car when not needed
and park areas habillitadas for it.

- not tread the vegetation, walking always on the road.

- Noise is also a form of pollution. Try
produce the minimum possible.

- Do not fire.

- Use clean points. Do not litter:
pipes, cigarette butts, plastic, paper, cans, etc.

- If you walk with your dog, pick up their droppings.

- Do not use the sea as a dump and denounces those who see it.

- Ten critical of coastal occupation illegal.

- Investigate the organisms that live in rocks, mud and sand,
but do not take them, kill or mistreat.

- If you move a stone let equal
avoid dying organisms that live under it.

- without authorization can not be marisquear.
for human consumption has no health guarantees.

ACEM Scientific Association of Marine Studies

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Good Sayings For Hairstylist Thank You Cards


SOLUTION: Anemone sea, Anemonia viridis

Well, well ... This is a polyp that lives fixed to the substrate, but may have some mobility. It has a couple of hundred very long and stinging tentacles around the mouth opening, the tips usually have a purple coloration. These tentacles are not fully retractable and break easily.
The coloration is variable, white and brown when living in the depths and less luminous, green living in brightly lit areas (the green which gives the name, is due to zooxanthellae algae living in symbiosis under his ectoderm).
Its size is around about 7 cm in diameter and can reach up to 10 cm in height.
It feeds on small invertebrates with stinging tentacles capture.
Can be found in ponds and tidal wetlands of the middle and lower, until a few meters deep, and is very common throughout our rocky coast. Sometimes it appears to form large family groups in quiet places.
Cnidaria And the other common here is the "Tomato sea" or Actinia equina, with shorter tentacles and can be withdrawn in case of discomfort or at low tide to avoid drying.
Now that you know ... Encourage one to differentiate this summer!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Clip Art Of Tennis Shoes


A water-carrier of India's , had only two large pots, hanging at the ends of a stick and carried on the shoulders. One had several cracks through which water was leaking, so that at the end of the road, only half kept, while the other was perfect and kept intact its content.
This happened daily.

no cracks The vessel was very proud of his achievements, because they knew suitable for the purposes for which it had been created. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of his own imperfection and not proper performance of their duties. So, after two years told the waterboy:

"I'm embarrassed and I want to apologize to you, because due to my cracks get only half the should get value for your work. "

The Waterboy said, "When we return home, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers that grow along the way." So did the jar and, indeed, saw many beautiful flowers along the sidewalk, but continued to feel embarrassed, because in the end only be kept in half of the water itself from the beginning.

The Waterboy said then: "Did you notice de que las flores sólo crecen en tu lado del camino? Quise sacar el lado positivo de tus grietas, y sembré semillas de flores.  Todos los días las has regado y durante dos años, yo he podido recogerlas.  Si no fueras exactamente como eres, con tu capacidad y tus limitaciones, no hubiera sido posible crear esa belleza”.

Todos somos vasijas agrietadas por alguna parte, pero siempre existe la posibilidad de aprovechar las grietas para obtener buenos resultados.

Tale of the oral tradition in India.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How Do You Use Headband For Men


TOADS - Paula Revuelta, 3 º ESO A

How Much Will I Pay For New Focus With Z Plan

- Have you heard the latest?
- No idea, account, account ...
- For now at school and not just recycle batteries, paper, printer toner ... That bulbs now!
- What lamps are recycled? "Can not be thrown away like that?
- It depends, which are recycled are of such low power, come not from Edison's life, but of those who spend less and last longer, but have some mercury, heavy metal bioaccumulation ...
- bioaccumulation ... what?
- bioaccumulate, is stored in the tissues of living beings, so that its concentration increases and reaches dangerous levels in higher trophic links ... us, for example.
- Ah, he will have to do the recycling, I say ... Where?
- front of the janitors.
- ... Are those of support, they get bored a lot ... are of a heavy ... That if "day, the light of day", that "if the water drop by drop, is running out", if "do it for the money", etc. They do not know what going to give, right?
- Ya ... Go from here to there planting and replanting trees, rivers and counting birds analyzed, and I've heard that they want to put a photovoltaic panel on the facade of the building.
- And why, why? "As for renewables, no?
- Yes .. should be. Look how they are nuclear ...
- Then go and what they thought the bike lane get to class, yes that would be cool huh?
- Step by step, you give them time, and insist that ... get it, and I can see you riding!
And remember ...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Retirement Cake Templates


SOLUTION: scallops, Chlamys varia

The scallop, one of the Pectinidae present in our coast Cantabrian, has the semi-shell, and inequivalva inequilateral. The general outline is oval, pointing at the outside valve area boasts a sculpture of 20 to 35 radial ribs, occasionally scaled cross. Of lateral lugs arise umbos mixed. The color of the shell is very variable, from white to orange, even green, with not very uniform color.
Their size ranges from 2 to 7 cm, living in the subtidal area, where there is an abundance, not so much the number of copies as its dispersion in all types of beaches and estuaries with midden.
So you know, to see who is the first scallop not canned and he brings it to class ... to positive. :)