Margarita Mama: our first Salesian cooperator
Margarita was born April 10, 1788 in Capriglio (Asti) and was baptized the same day, in the parish church.
lived at home until marriage to Francis Bosco. Later, he moved to Becchi. After the untimely death of her husband, Margaret, at age 29, had to raise her family, herself, in a time of cruel starvation. He cared for the mother of Francisco and his son Anthony, while educating their own children, Joseph and John. Women
strong, clear ideas. Determined in their choices, noted lifestyle plain and severe. It showed, however, friendly and reasonable as it related to the Christian education of their children. Raised three boys of very different temperament without mortifying ever to any of them or attempt to equalize all three.
More than once he was forced to take extreme decisions (such as having to send away the smaller ones to ensure peace at home and offer the possibility to study), with great faith, wisdom and courage, looked understand the inclination of each child, helping them grow in generosity and entrepreneurial spirit. With a special fondness
accompanied his son John on his way to the priesthood and it was then, at 58 years, when he left his house of Colle and followed him in his mission among the poor and abandoned boys of Turin (1848). Here, for ten years, mother and son united their lives in the beginnings of the Salesian Work. She was the first and principal cooperator Don Bosco and your kindness made contributed her maternal presence to the Preventive System. That was how, even without knowing it, became the "co-founder" of the Salesian Family, which can form as many saints as Dominic Savio and P. Rua Miguel.
was illiterate but he was full of the wisdom that comes from above, helping in this way, a tantos niños de la calle, hijos de nadie. Para ella Dios era lo primero, así consumió su vida en el servicio de Dios, en la pobreza, la oración y el sacrificio.
Murió a los 68 años de edad, en Turín, un 25 de noviembre. Una multitud de muchachos que lloraban por ella como por una madre, acompañó sus restos al cementerio.
Palabras a Juan Bosco sacerdote
Turín 5 de junio de
1841 ...
En la capilla del Arzobispado,
Juanito Bosco , por la imposición de manos del
obispo Luis Fransoni , se transforma en el
sacerdote “Don Bosco”. On the afternoon of the first
Mass in his village Margarita Mama, alone with his son, he makes some recommendations:
"You are a priest, you are closer to Jesus. I have not read your books, but remember Mass. to start saying mean starting to suffer. Do not you realize right away, but gradually you will see that your mother has told the truth. From now on only thinks about the salvation of souls and not worry about me. " Working Mother Margarita
Fall 1846 . Margarita Mama
58, Don Bosco
31. Just Becchi recover in
of exhaustion, which almost takes you to the grave
, starting
Valdocco .
You need a trusted person who lives with him in
Valdocco , to help him, advise him. Who better than her mother?. Margarita
Becchi and was "placed." Is known to all is calm in his homeland, his grandchildren, the habits of rural life. The answer to the question of the child not long in coming:
"If you think this pleases the Lord, I'm Pepar to go quickly." took her basket, put some clothes and objects.
Don Bosco took his breviary, a missal
and other books. And then departed for Turin
. The November 3rd
of 1846 reached Valdocco
, where they start their mission among the young. Years later, a Salesian Coadjutor
, Peter Enrico, recalls Don Bosco
"Do you remember when at night we were in bed? You and your mother we arranged the pants and shirt worn, because we only that! " Mom in the Oratorio
In November 1846 came to the house Valdocco
. And never left there. It was the most
sacrifice, the more painful. But
God called her again at his age, to be the mother of other orphans. Since then, it will now forever
"Mama Margaret" .
At the time
Margarita Mama was in the Oratorio
prepared lunch, washed and mended the clothes of these poor boys. At his age, in old age, when I was a grandmother, kept working and was
"mother" of Oratorio and all those kids who looked to her maternal affection and warmth.
Model of Life for all
By welcoming Benedict XVI the summer of 2005 in Aostra Valley, the Rector
Major of the Salesians, Fr Pascual Chavez
, asked accelerate
the beatification of Mother St. John Bosco
, Margarita
Occhiena . The rector
handed documents and letter of all bishops
Salesians spread throughout the world in calling for the enactment of the decree of heroic virtues of
"Mama Margaret" . The Salesian family
Margarita Occhiena to be declared a model of virtue for the entire People of God
Church to mark the 150 anniversary of his death. On November 15, 2006, in the chapel of the Salesian Community Vatican decree was read Margarita Mama venerability.
Its educational method, the spirit of family, history moves in 1846
: Valdocco
born! Margarita Mama
comes to live with his son and his boys. 1854
Don Bosco Salesian Society starts
with which ensures stability for the future his work and his spirit. 1856
: November 25
Mom dies in Valdocco Margarita
1864: Don Bosco
laid the first stone of the Basilica of Mary Help
1872: Birth of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help
Mornese with Mary Mazzarello , a farmer, educator forged in life as the mother of
D. Bosco. In
Mornese .. Salesian House
throughout Everyone can feel at
"home" . Through games, prayers and catechesis, I tried to give you everything that my mother taught me when I was a child.
Bread, Love, Work, participation, friendship with God and with others, dreams ... Any guy who comes to a Salesian House can find all this!
"One is only my wish you to be happy in time and eternity" (Don Bosco) The Great Family of Don Bosco in the world owes much to
Occhiena Margarita his mother. She taught
Preventive System: reason, religion and love , spread throughout the world today.
1856-2006: 150 years after his death
The Salesian
calls his beatification
. Margarita Mama
Without this
Family and educational method does not exist.
- November 25, the Salesian family recalls "Mama Margaret" On 15 November 2006, was named venerable by the Church, being so close to achieve sainthood.
"FELIZ DIA DEL Salesian Cooperators."