Such use of disability occurs in desacartonado style that both praises him Clarín. Gabriela Michetti has been questioned, with much truth, empty speech, frivolous or lacking in substance "in the words of Clarín. A great candidate for the Ecuadorian consultant Mauricio Macri, Jaime Duran Barba, a specialist in" say nothing ", for whom the style Gabriela Michetti" is ideal for a campaign .
That style , is that Michetti allows the use of disability policy, and is what makes it different from other leaders that are displayed in a wheelchair. She is a girl " went through a critical situation and was able to overcome, or live more naturally ... 'Look, this girl has strength' "as defined by the Clarin interview.
This is how Jaime Duran Barba built the human face" of macrismo. Michetti Every answer he gives is well studied and planned A sample of this are their "confessions" in Revista Caras , where she says: " I would say that dancing is a nerve issue, because from the freak accident more dance than walk. When attending a party was the first to get to dance no matter if there was anyone in the track. And obviously, it was also the last to go . "In another part of their confessions, referring to the accident said that" Fortunately, the worst accident I took myself. If not, when behind the wheel, I would have a guilty conscience for life .
That image was built up slowly but surely, until Gabriela Michetti said everywhere that was harder for her separation from her husband to the accident, so said the News Journal : "The accident could process because it affected me on functional and aesthetic issues, but not in the depths of my being. Separation was more painful because it affected more profound questions, my idea of \u200b\u200bmarriage for life, love and other . 'm trying to overcome. "Of course, this statement left in a very uncomfortable journalist Eduardo Cura. Maybe because of that, before the indictment Eduardo Cura journalistic Journal Profile Michetti said that" We have some things pending to chat, "and at the insistence asked a few hours to think about it. rejected the interview and gave his reasons:" I just ordered me not to mention more in the notes, "he apologized." How would then come out and talk I? ". It was clear, Michetti, her husband, Eduardo Cura, asked quietly.
In politics, Gabriela Michetti first name terms and talking like you talk the middle class of Buenos Aires. Never gives great definition, always uses simple sentences and appeals to common sense. He was distressed by his resignation from the Government Vicejefatura and says being a candidate it is their duty in the absence of known leaders in the PRO. Now, in the field, explains that what they did is because the left and that she will fight from the National Congress for the City.
Building Michetti image has managed to woo the middle class Buenos Aires to the point of being crucial to the success of Mauricio Macri.
Michetti humanized Macri and is now displayed with Francisco De Narvaez who humanizes to the middle class of Buenos Aires. The move paid off as he continues to be seen ...
* Part of the excellent analysis of the figure of Michetti by Sandra Russo and published on Page 12
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