DECREE No. 732/09
Buenos Aires, August 25, 2009.
SEEN: Law No. 2506, Decree No. 2075/07 and amendments, the File No.
47.569/2009, and
That, by the Law No. 2506, was passed Law on Ministries of the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
functional organizational structure of the executive branch of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires;
That timely Legislature City of Buenos Aires
accepted resignation of Ms. Marta Gabriela Michetti the post of Deputy Chief of
Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires;
to consider the adequacy of the named, is encouraged to designate it as
honorary adviser to the Head of Government, to date December 9, 2009;
That the designation in question does not generate any outlay, since it is
an honorary designation;
That, the above correspond to dictate the appropriate administrative action.
therefore in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 102 and 104 paragraph 9) of the
Constitution of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires,
Article 1 .- To designate Ms. Marta Gabriela Michetti, identity card No. 17,467,718 as advisor
"ad honorem" of the Head of Government, until December 9, 2009.
.- Article 2: This decree is endorsed by Sir
Cabinet Ministers.
Article 3 º .- Take the Registry, published in the Official Gazette of the City of Buenos Aires
and for their knowledge and other effects, refer to the Secretariat
Management of Human Resources. Fulfilled, filed. MACRI - Rodriguez Larreta
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