Facundo Cabral
Distracted of life that fills you, have heart, brain, soul and spirit, then how can you feel poor and miserable. Distracted from the life around you, dolphins, forests, seas, mountains and rivers. Do not fall as fell thy brother, who suffers from a human being, when the world is 5.6 billion. Also too bad we live alone, I have a good time every time deciding what I do and thanks to the loneliness, I know, which is essential to live. Do not fall as fell thy father, who feels old because he turned 70 years old, forgetting that Moses led the exodus to the 80 and Rubinstein, Chopin played as anyone at 90, to cite only two known cases.
DISTRACTED THESE ARE NOT DEPRESSED. You think you lost something, which is impossible because all I was given did not even one hair on your head, so you can not own anything life also does not take away things, frees you from things, eases you to fly higher to reach the fullness. From cradle to grave, is a school, what you call problems are lessons and life is dynamic, in constant motion. You just have to watch this, my mother said: "I'll take care of this, the future is God's" Jesus said "tomorrow does not matter, it will bring new experience, each day is enough with your own eagerness. "
not missed anyone, who died just passed us, because we all go there. Besides the better of him, LOVE, is in your heart. Who could say that Jesus is dead. There is no death, there are moving and the other side waiting for you wonderful people. Gandhi, Michelangelo, Whitman, San Augustine, Mother Teresa, your grandmother and mother, she believed that poverty is closer to love, because money distracts us with too many things and takes us away because it makes us suspicious.
happiness are not y. .. is so easy!. just have to listen to your heart, before involving your head, which is influenced by memory, which complicates things with old things, with orders from the past, with prejudice falling ill and chained. Head divided, ie poorer. The head does not accept life as it is, not as it should be.
Do only what you love and be happy. He who does what he loves, is blessed and condemned to success, which should arrive when due. What must be will be and will come naturally. Do nothing out of obligation, or by compromise, but by love. So there will be full, and in the fullness anything is possible, without effort, because it moves the natural force of life. The one I got up, when the plane went down with my wife and my daughter. That kept me alive, when doctors diagnosed me, 3 or 4 months of life.
God gave you a human being by and that's you . To you make you free and happy. Then you can share real life with others. Remember Jesus: "love your neighbor as yourself." reconciled with you, get in front of the mirror and think that that creature you see is God's work and decide now to be happy, happiness is an acquisition, not something you come from outside. Besides happiness, not a right but a duty, because if you are unhappy these bitter the whole neighborhood.
A man who not only had no talent and courage to live, sent to kill six million Jewish brothers. There are so many things to enjoy and our passage on earth is so short that suffering is a waste of time. We
to enjoy the winter snow and spring flowers, chocolate of Perugia, the French baguette, Mexican tacos, Chilean wine, seas and rivers, soccer Brazilian and Davidoff cigars, Arabian Nights, The Divine Comedy, Don Quixote, Pedro Páramo, boleros of Manzanero, Whitman's poetry ... Mahler, Brahms, Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven, Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Velasquez, Cézanne, and Picasso ... among so many wonders.
If you have cancer or AIDS, two things can happen, both are good. If you win, you get rid of the body that is so annoying!. "I have hunger, cold I have, I have dreams, I have wanted, I have reason, I have doubts." If you beat this, you will be more humble, more grateful, therefore easily happy, free of the tremendous burden of guilt, responsibility and vanity, ready to live each moment deeply, as it should.
DEPRESSED ARE NOT, ARE UNEMPLOYED. Help the child who needs you, that child will member of your child, helps the old and the young will help you when you are. In addition the service is a certain happiness and enjoy nature and care for those to come. Given without measure and give you without measure. Love to become the beloved, and further, until you become the very love. Do not be fooled a few homicidal and suicidal. The good is most, but not noticeable because it is quiet. A pump makes more noise than a touch, but for every bomb that destroyed millions of strokes that nourish life.
Good eats itself. Evil also is destroyed. If the bad guys know that business is good be good, be good even for business ...
If we listen to the other, who have inside, you'd know everything around you would find something for you, then you will constantly rise and there would be confusion, but that serenity shades and do not search anything, then it would find it.
Being in this say and do what needs to be done every time, naturally and gracefully, without effort, what would your relationships with others had been completed and grow in love would be more creative without limits or conditions. Ignorance makes us feel enclosed and mortal, ie we locked ourselves up and we just alone. Fear distracts us from the LOVE that is wise and brave because he knows that no action or end.
Search and disappear in the clouds at the periphery. Stand still and silent, to listen to your inner wisdom, which is centuries, not years as your body. Therefore it is beyond your capricious actions, causes of prejudice and fear is a child of your ignorance. The sage who is beyond the effects that you think good or bad, rich or poor, dark or light, because it is in essence, is the very cause, is invisible from which everything arises. And when you hear the wise man inside of you will feel good and healthy rain, cold ....
'll be so attentive to the cause, that all effects will be bright. Clearly state that permeate every corner, will share everything and everyone will come to grace, and then wealth is multiplied at every step.
David asked God for wisdom, he said, "do not ask for little, because wisdom includes everything."
not live within bounds, but in the very center of the miraculous, free of the illusory order of the linear mind, excited by the imagination and harmonized by hope. You are a spirit that takes a while a body, a vehicle suitable for this stroll through seas and mountains, dolphins and elephants, among cities and deserts that cover everything from time to time to restart the story.
In the spirit world through play right, curing cancer, which facilitates communication, studying the terrain of Mars, which put man on the moon. The thought takes you to new places or makes you look different ... the old rich. This will change both, that will change your attitude toward the world, ever wanted to change, rather than understand it. And when you change will impact on him ... Close your eyes and you'll see what will be. Freed from the historical time, you travel at the speed of light, and that journey can improve the lives of many, it is incalculable power of thought. This is a great alchemist who can turn any event into a party, that is, any metal into gold.
Once on the inner light, nothing can turn it off, is perfect and incorruptible as gold, symbolizing the power of purity, in essence, that is the spirit, which is an endless journey and wonderful because bursts every moment lived with depth.
Holiness is the goal for everyone, though few realize it, or be encouraged to enter the roads leading to it. Left the ego, miracles begin, then without a fight, you will regain the natural force can cause life through love, to walk on water and healed for the word. Remember Jesus said - "Things will be bigger, greater things will."
ARE NOT DEPRESSED, these distros. For your ego, which distorts, contrary to the innocence clarifying. The ego confuses things with his opinion, believes that things are what he thinks they are, indeed, the ego believes that words are things. The ego does not live, performs, is a constant action that never actually reached. In both the innocence, treats everyone equally, is closer to happiness, wealth, ... tranquility. The innocence is all in awe, leads from party to party. Innocence, believe, which is a blessing, it's exciting, because he sees everything for the first time, for her the world is full of new, everything is a mirror, because in innocence, we realize that we are part of God. Which is also in all things, the innocent, easily amused because everything stands out: a cow pasture, the trunk of an old tree, the black butterflies on the golden wheat fields, the hummingbird stopped in the air, making the bread baker furnace, the starry night, the rain of winter, the logs burning in the fireplace, the roles of Matisse, the cabins of the ants, the Bedouin, the sermon on Sunday morning, Sunday football afternoon .
The ego will put names to things, but sees the innocent, the ego of the judge, the innocent lives it, the ego divided, innocence harmonizes differences, ego depends on the mind, the innocent of heart. The ego is old, depends on memory. The innocent are being born every minute, ego exhausts us, always fighting. The innocent always comes afloat. The ego is bored. can not stop looking. The innocent is going to wonder in amazement, I could always find and stay for eternity enjoying the same horse or the same flower or the same star. The innocent are so dedicated to life, as she constantly changing, so the same is never the same, innocence is forever fresh.
Now you're alone and quiet, forget what you are, ... That is creation of others, ... listen to your heart ... What would you be? What do you do now, because life is now?
Forget what you think you are and start from scratch now, then lived with all easily. It's so nice to live if divisions, good-bad, rich, poor, black-white, friend or foe, compatriot abroad, so the lightness when no enemies, we can fly at any time because joy has the sympathy of the magic.
innocence not lost, only hidden for fear of ridicule from those who ... just because they lost it can be cataloged. Let the games out and will restart your early years, now fortified by intelligence break free of the preconceptions of memory, look at all like the first time, you will be saved from boredom overshadowing those who think they know everything.
not confuse activity with life. There's the sun, right there, so you can see. There's the tree for many years, you realize it's a wonder. Free yourself from the image that helped you build the other and return to innocence, our natural state and will be happy with the wrinkles that confirm all that lived, indeed, innocence just feel, you are part of your surroundings, only innocence can see God.
ARE NOT DEPRESSED, these distros. Of good information, inevitable for a good life. Solomon and Borges, instead of the newspaper, Mahler or Bach instead of TV. Intelligent and positive friendships, rather than indolence and ignorant losers unhappy about their own decision. Thus get the best energy, essential.
is natural growth of life, constant motion is the cause, and to be ready for changes must be free, attentive, with the tools ready to run, when the energy pass through us. Otherwise, it vanish like smoke from the chimneys. It should always be around those who are good receivers, awake, curious as, Russell, Schopenhauer, Bradbury, Eco, Peace, to speak of the closest. The secret of Einstein, was to follow higher heads than hers. The Campbell was swinging in every corner of history. Only intelligence can detect as intertwined things in life, only intelligence can connect with the universe, to understand that we are part of it, therefore, have the same energy. Nothing is repeated, have to live now, and the whole life is in every act, like everything else can be born of a single atom.
Intelligence, is one that sees before viewing, the listener before listening, you know where he goes, with what is being said, the major consequences of a low attitude, and only which is present, can understand everything. He who drinks directly from the source of the essential, know anything can happen, nothing grief, indeed, to learn from mistakes, transforms them into successes. Nobody has the right to ignorance, it will pay dearly, and unfortunately overshadow the way of all, so ignorance is an unconscious way of evil. As the ideologist, that separating, I was able to provoke a war, the wise man knows that the task is to take care of yourself and harmonize differences. Separate addition to impoverish is suicide, which is why there are deaths even in the soccer fields. The sage does not separate, it's all part of everything, only watch to see the connections.
ever sang ... moving a star when I start a flower.
Sage is in the river that joins everything. In the energy that weaves all, the wise man knows that is God's dream come true, except that what we call reality is another way of sleep.
Where ignorant see two things, the wise man sees one, and that one is true. The wise man sees what he sees, is bright and light, is aware that he is also light - ie the highest state of being.
What we call death, is the more subtle light. If you want life, live in peace. If you want to live in war death. Take care of each word, because we are structured in words. Do not harm or offend anyone, because of one another, you can re-transformed into a bomb. San Augustine advised "just wants justice, but would be better not pidieras nothing" . Put another way, Do not interrupt your little head, the glorious work of the Lord, who asked San Francisco, "make me an instrument of your peace." Where there is sadness, I may bring joy. Where there is darkness, I bring light. Where there is hatred, I may bring love.
Prayer beloved of my mother says "Lord, forgive me for my sins at all, for your many shrines have journeyed forgetting that you are present everywhere. Secondly I apologize for having so often implored your help, forgetting that you're concerned about my welfare more to you than me. And finally, forgive me, for being here asking you to forgive me, when my heart knows that my sins are forgiven me before the comet. Such is your love, dear Lord. "
competing Do not overdo it, God knows what it is for you and the data is in your heart. So do what you love, there is another way of living. The same love that brought me, brought you. is a mistake to say that we love, Love made us and shapes us every day, and this depends on how soft, how open we are. As the work of love, human beings are wonderful. To him we owe the bread, cheese, wine, music, painting, aircraft and computers among other things.
And if a man is what he loves, are all that was, what made us possible. From Buddha to Rembrandt, from Mozart to Picasso, from Copernicus to Freud. We are the cool wind and rain that renews, are the winter snow and spring flowers, we are the moon, the sun, are another fruit of God.
I am a newborn, but the experience kept my memory, I do not want to hurt anyone, know that aggression brings disease, complicates the matter. We are part of the same thing so if you do bad, I'm doing wrong. Before I moved right, that is objective, now LOVE, which is why the universe. But ... I did not lose the fire, indeed, now has better quality before and now lights burning, that is passed to constructor destructor.
The poor will speak of hope, and the rich conversion. The hope will save the poor and the rich purify conversion. The hope of the side of the poor and the conversion of the rich side, closer to our brothers and I came to work for this meeting and when everything comes together, there will be no locks on doors, no borders there. Then all share everything, therefore reign humor.
ARE NOT DEPRESSED, these distros. Peace. I ask you, when are you going to stop fighting to start living, because you can not do both things at once.
ask me when Jesus will return and tell you that never was, was always in your heart, just shut up and listen to the head. Nobody
the big question is who am I?. All continue to play a role, usually decided by others, as success and failure.
All are what you see, their bodies or its material achievements and things are so important, that loves the parks starting at end in the courts. All engaged in the begging somehow, never forgetting or not entirely who are princes, part of a special universe, which they forget little things local, parochial, and sometimes only family.
recognize many faces and I know some names, but few who know who they are. I wonder where you can find me, and I tell you anywhere, because I'm part of the universe.
The name and office, are distractions, prisons, limitations, are the way we make and that we blindly. So busy ... ever stop to think about us. The spirit, which is what we do not accept conditions, not be confused, the material with reality, so there are no borders but most need it for fear of infinity. So he invented institutions such as marriage, nationalism, ideals, their country. Stakes, which are tied to not having to live the whole. One's home is one. So I'm fine everywhere to my house and my house come out thoughts and events constantly. If my house is me, I am part of everything ... My home is the sea and the beach, these dolphins and this hotel, this chair and one boat that leaves a white trail on inventing the light turquoise, which is also my home, and the shadow that fills the labyrinths of the mind of fools, who are also my home. Thus, as the music of Mahler, the painting of Cézanne, Davidoff cigars and rock and roll.
can not move your body, because it is too laden past. Forget even your name and start again at the moment and immediately feel that you live in a wonderful world. When you feel that you are not what you think, you can fly.
The beginning and end, that is life and death, are inventions of the mind. much you suffer when your child goes! You used to think you were one parent. Leave aside the past and feel a lifetime, only the molecules are dissolved, consciousness dies with the matter.
light of conscience, continue to light the infinite paths of life. We are not as bad as we think. Peace is possible and peace is the highest point we can achieve.
seems that God loves us more than ourselves, because it continues to give us opportunities every day. San Francisco was right. The sun and moon are brothers. Animals and plants are brothers, because we are all God's creatures.
Then our works are our brothers and sisters of the sun, moon, animals and plants. And if I say our works, say painting, music, literature, cars, airplanes, telephones, computers.
not look outside, not inside you, you can not ask for love if you gave it. You can not ask for justice, if you were not fair. You can not find peace outside if you do not have inside. But there is trouble, you have eternity before addition the journey is often more exciting than the arrival, if you can get somewhere.
It makes sense to restart at any moment, and without impatience disappear violence. Life trumps death, more people born to die. And more are born in poor countries than in rich countries, engaged in making weapons to kill as many people as possible, rude and pointless task, because life ends with death, that after all is a way to recreate.
Art, which is a party, still inventing fables to life for filled with hope to the people, and this in a language that comes to us all: beauty.
Peace gives birth to enrich peoples and all peoples to communicate, through art, which has no borders. People that continue to rise as a Manhattan, a wild steel. People who float gracefully, like Amsterdam, bright spots towns like Paris, which saw Cortázar from Buenos Aires and Henry Miller from New York. Towns like Sevilla, supported in the song, people like Copenhagen, frozen places for you to come home, where the burning logs are the best company Ravel. People and Zurich, safes surrounded by lakes and swans. (It was a tragedy for Salvador Dalí, the death of his own.
In peace, everything is creation, is a life in art, peace, smiles at me, surrounds me with its fresh air. Peace as nobody makes me enjoy the sun of all. For peace my song rises high and low corners aggiornamiento. Peace is the poem I'd better models. In peace, my brothers work the land, have children, peace is comfortable freedom and justice is easy.
Peace is a flower where all the springs, in peace, we locked eyes and we share all our dreams, be bold. In peace, one is oneself, without effort, in peace, all entitle me to feel God's child.
Do not be ungrateful, think how many things had to connect, from the depths of the universe so you were the one that you are. So it could be the city where you live, think how many millions of years passed, to be aware of the wonderful immensity that surrounds us, and we are part.
"I am us," says Mark Constance, who has a transpersonal view, ie already in the new era.
Open the eyes of your heart and see God, that's what we live when we are aware, then you will feel that the spirit was recreated, until the man who comes to God-consciousness. Man, that is repeated throughout the evolution. We are the end of an extraordinary chain has 15,000 million years, we may be in order of creation, then our religion is universal. Hazards
... life is constantly changing, always gives you revenge. Remember who is not willing to lose everything, is not ready to win nothing. Now you're alone and quiet, these yourself, only person with whom you are responsible will tell you:
Let curiosity take you where life happens, do not be a television viewer, but the protagonist of the earth, remember that to which we owe everything animated, painted one another in the front so the closer you want to live without worrying about time ... in eternity is restarted at every moment. And do not waste energy taking care of yourself, because life is beautiful danger.
If my mother had been caring for my father, I would not be here. If we get together we are rich. You have what I have not and vice versa. Would happen if we all got together, since everyone is in everyone.
Life offers us many things permanently, you need to make more effort to remain poor and miserable, that rich and happy.
not forget you are an aristocrat, a prince because you are a child of the king of the universe. Just noticing. Remember that Jesus said, "bread brings the truth and everything you need." So there are no limits, you decide where you want to go and this joy with all doors open, because for God, we are always children. Life is a wonderful game, a game that includes everything and everyone.
're made in the likeness of God, then you can recreate it. When you say I can not, you're saying, do not want. Too many martyrs, we need heroes. Arise and walk! .. I accompany you as you go with all those who dare to live better, and end by encouraging all mankind, that great enterprise to which we all belong. Walk
quiet, you do not confuse the news, it is the majority, not distract you from your task, which is the fullness, nothing like living in oneself. Only then, can feel at home as elsewhere, nothing is far and others. If every one were every one, society would be an orchestra, fortified by all the sounds, all voices. A powerful harmony of individuals, the symphony where all bring your voice. Written scores for each instrument, ie a score respected by all. But this orchestra should be, is fragmented, are all against all and this has exhausted and hopeless, lost imagination that could give us some idea of \u200b\u200bcoexistence. But fear is ignorance that separates us more and more and this divorce sick and impoverishes us all. Humanity is a rich repertoire, as bright as endless and we all have to do. We all come from a first man, first woman, black is Chinese me, I'm as good as Jesus and as dangerous as Hitler. I'm so Muslim and atheist, I die like dying and being born with the birth. We are all fertilized and aided by all, but reject all .. because we reject. Instead of enriching the other, he escaped, we fight, rather than partner. Killing another is suicidal, because ... Here is ours. The hatred is fear, he has brought to this despair which stifles imagination and without imagination, we lose the holy likeness, that we stop being creative.
The task is to harmonize this enormous variety that is humanity, it would enrich everyone.
to have beautiful things we say to women, because now it can be considered sexual harassment. Soon, we will have to go out with a lawyer, seems to live, is a string of lawsuits. The task is to understand that life is rising and falling, constant movement, ... changes, then we must get our language the word decadence, which is another stage.
Nothing is forever. We must be alert, ready for change, for all circumstances, because life, as it is, not as it should be. All we were given, therefore, nothing belongs to us, we just enjoy what is created, and care for those to come, which is a continuation of ours, as we are followers of our parents, our grandparents, our great-grandparents and so to Adam, Adam red as Borges liked to say, who committed the worst sin ... was not happy, felt haunted by the suspicion of having been an unhappy.
The first piece of wisdom, is knowing who you know. The second, being with the beloved, as it makes us brighter to be more vigilant, and pay more. LOVE, aggiornamiento us so that everyone fell in love.
Permitted you fall, but you stay on the ground. At this time, society is stopped by traffic congestion, which is unconscionable, because cities are already excessive. Maybe stop thinking to change all the ideas and start again.
great myths will no longer be followed, or ideologies. Now, we communicate in man to man. This is the age of the individual, so the Internet. Then increase the quality, the macro will disappear, so that the micro dominion. This means that from now on there will be no television, politics or family who can put that sacred fire which is the soul, where intelligence lives forever, fueled by the universe for so many centuries.
asking The move, the question remains not die because life is movement. Everything is recreated every moment, watch out.
For a woman, you miss the rest. For a house you miss the world, you miss a corner seas and rivers, ... dolphins, whales, salmon, sharks. For a family, an ideology and religion, you miss architects, Egyptologists, poets, philosophers, shamans, anthropologists, prophets, thousands of ways to see the spirit and stars ,.... orchids of Colombia, Bacon, Giaccometti, Nietzsche, the Gulf of Aqaba, Alexandria, Tokyo, the Greece of Homer, Guanajuato, - where I fell in love with Catherine Valezca, although I had no chance to say it. Chichicastenanco, where a dance ordered my skeleton. Paris, where Rilke saw the beauty awaken each morning next to Rodin. Trastevere Rome, where Fellini drew characters, and where the Moses of Michelangelo, is tired of the tourists who suffocated in San Pietro in Vincoli - Barely fits. London, Berlin, Brussels, Prague, where the romantic writers had a very high idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness that never reached, felt unhappy, sad, excited that pain, they enjoyed, such as flamenco singers and singers tango.
Madrid, where Lupe is always on the edge of thought, but never falls. Miami, which is the bridge that connects Latinos with the Saxons. The Sonoran Desert, where I met Erich Fromm ... saying that Suzuki was a Zen Buddhist, because he had experienced and that authenticity made it difficult to read, because the Zen does not give rational answers satisfactory, but the books of Western intellectuals, that explain it more easily even if they have experienced.
not idolize anything or anyone, have an idolatry is losing independence and conflict and disease that is safe. So, as easy to lose what was gained without effort, and as is still poor, not enjoying what you do not. The big step is to go to the egomania, which enslaves you agree and so many things outside of inner freedom, then peace is achieved and peace all makes you live fully, ie you rich.
The latest saviors are questionable, but do not affect the teaching of Buddha, or sick the Bible. The teaching of Buddha is not weakened by who does not believe in transmigration, nor dies the Bible because he faces more realistic knowledge of the history of the earth and the evolution of man. And, thinking he is innocent in a society without crime.
Anyone can be better if he tries. There are enough good intentions to the universe, which is as it is and not as we would like. True faith, begins working on oneself, to believe in yourself. And when one is firmly rooted in oneself, are encouraged to see everything, then we know the reality and from then on we can understand, then we are saved from disappointment.
We know that behind a mask, there is always another, as we see purity in nudity, freedom of jazz and rites of dictatorships. Accept the reality, is saved from the deception, then the truth makes us live fully.
not fool yourself, then nobody will cheat. Be firm like Buddha, like Jesus, like Espinosa, like Einstein, like Ford, firm but open-minded, attentive to the proposals of life. He preaches the virtues, but the truths streets. Never regret Having A lively, and never forgive you had not. In addition, you have nothing to lose, because not one of your ears is your work, not worry about your future down the road do not expect the top of the mountain, but peace in the valley. No one is accountable as anyone you have to explain anything. must not exhaust yourself in vain to persuade areas of wanting and liking. The important thing is that you're convinced and you like what you do. And if you have a dream, you must be prepared to make an effort to achieve it, because only big enough big. If you study the surface, superficially learn. If you live in the middle, only know half of life. If you split your head see the world divided. If you work liability, you are an unemployed, a more unhappy. If you are afraid you will not know the love that is courage.
ARE NOT DEPRESSED, these distros. The present, where life happens, for example, the sunrises and sunsets, seagulls, condors, eagles, pigeons and swallows, mountains, valleys, rivers and seas, sport, art, agriculture, architecture, forest, macaws, monkeys, tigers, lions, crocodiles, elephants, streams, human beings of all colors, the illusion that pushes you time and eternity that lets you change course and start anew at every moment.
ARE NOT DEPRESSED, these distros. Of the wonders that happen around you, from birth to harvest, from revolutions to concerts, football games from interplanetary travel.
're not depressed about something that happened, but distracted at all ... it is now.
Facundo Cabral
Remember this: Love is not a feeling ... an attitude