Saturday, April 9, 2011

Clip Art Of Tennis Shoes


A water-carrier of India's , had only two large pots, hanging at the ends of a stick and carried on the shoulders. One had several cracks through which water was leaking, so that at the end of the road, only half kept, while the other was perfect and kept intact its content.
This happened daily.

no cracks The vessel was very proud of his achievements, because they knew suitable for the purposes for which it had been created. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of his own imperfection and not proper performance of their duties. So, after two years told the waterboy:

"I'm embarrassed and I want to apologize to you, because due to my cracks get only half the should get value for your work. "

The Waterboy said, "When we return home, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers that grow along the way." So did the jar and, indeed, saw many beautiful flowers along the sidewalk, but continued to feel embarrassed, because in the end only be kept in half of the water itself from the beginning.

The Waterboy said then: "Did you notice de que las flores sólo crecen en tu lado del camino? Quise sacar el lado positivo de tus grietas, y sembré semillas de flores.  Todos los días las has regado y durante dos años, yo he podido recogerlas.  Si no fueras exactamente como eres, con tu capacidad y tus limitaciones, no hubiera sido posible crear esa belleza”.

Todos somos vasijas agrietadas por alguna parte, pero siempre existe la posibilidad de aprovechar las grietas para obtener buenos resultados.

Tale of the oral tradition in India.


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