SOLUTION: Navel of Venus, Umbilicus rupestris This time it is a perennial plant and herbaceous, 3 to 15 cm, fleshy leaves with petiole (stalk) up to 25 cm, which is inserted in the center of the blade rounded, concave and scalloped margin. blooms from April to August. It grows in rocky areas (hence the name, "rupestris"), including walls and roofs of houses, from sea level to 2,000 m altitude. We often find, as prosperous in both urban and ruderal . is said to have medicinal uses, because the leaves are somewhat analgesic (pain relievers) and the juice is extracted from the same old reputation in the care of epilepsy, also used in the treatment of minor burns. And it's an edible plant, the leaves are acceptable taste during winter and spring, taking into salad. Finally add mythology, which is no less curious. I learned from this puzzle that was a Roman goddess Venus (well, I already knew), which apparently was originally the goddess of nature and spring, the protector of gardens and orchards and those who cultivated But in the second century BC, and the influence of Greek religion was assimilated to Aphrodite, becoming mostly goddess beauty and love and his cult spread throughout Italy. Well, well ... Until next time bloggers participating in the puzzle! |
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