Friday, February 4, 2011

Symptoms Of Gallbladder Cyst


When logical thinking or "vertical" can not resolve a problem or need a new idea, the thought "lateral", imaginative and free, it much more effective.
The functional organization of the mind causes it to interpret a situation more likely. The order of probability is determined by experience and current needs.
The vertical pesamiento is a high likelihood, daily life without it would be impossible. Every action and every sense would have to be analyzed intensively and carefully considered, I could not be anything for granted.
The pesamiento lateral thinking is a low probability. When the line of thought leads to low probability of a new effective idea, there is a moment of eureka , and then the low-probability approach acquires the highest probability.
Both types of thinking are complementary.

many years ago, a London merchant had the misfortune of owing a large sum to a lender. The latter, who was old and ugly, he liked the beautiful teenage daughter of the merchant, and thus raised the following solution: cancel the debt in exchange for his daughter.
Both the merchant and his daughter were horrified by the proposal. So, the canny lender suggested that Providence might decide. He told them to put a white and black stone into an empty bag, and that the child would get one of them. If you took out the black, would become his wife, and the debt would be canceled. If I took the white, remain with his father, and also cancel the debt. But if she refused to remove a stone, the father would go to jail and she starve.
's father reluctantly agreed. They were in a garden path of the trader and the moneylender bent over to pick up the two stones. As he did, the girl, with eyes sharpened by fear, he noticed that it took two black stones and put them in the bag. He then asked the girl to take out the stone that would decide his fate and that of his father.

What would you do if you had been in place for the unfortunate girl?
According to the logic there are three possibilities:
1. The girl should refuse to remove a stone.
2. Must show that there are two black stones in the bag and reveal the trap of the lender.
3. Must take a stone and sacrifice to save her father from prison.
None of these suggestions is helpful, because if the girl does not take a stone's father goes to jail, and if you do, you have to marry the lender. SOLUTION

In this case, the vertical or logical thinking is concerned about the fact that she must remove a stone and takes the point of view, more reasonable in this situation, and then proceed to consider the logic and carefully. In contrast, lateral thinking is concerned with the stone remains and tends to explore all the different solutions.
The girl's story reached into the bag and pulled out a stone. Without looking at her, dropped it on the road, where they immediately got lost among the other stones.
"What stupidity on my part," he said, but do not worry: if you look in the bag can say what I got on the stone color is left. "
Edward Bond, "Integral", n ยบ 68.


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