National Congress "The Teques 2011"
Salesian Cooperators renewed their identity
Euro Lobo SSCC. 12,112 CNP
With the song "The Spirit of God is here" began the National Congress of Salesian Cooperators in the house of retreats Mother Mazzarello Laguneta sector, Los Teques, Miranda state. Meeting which brought at least 75 Salesian Cooperators throughout Venezuela, who spoke on the Family, Society and Identity of his vocation.
as love enters the stomach, Congress took its first step with dinner on Friday, March 18, there are the newcomers shared the joy of the encounter earnest.
Pedro Monsalve |
already in the conference room attendees shared the sad news of the death of the mother of Pedro Monsalve, Emeritus provincial coordinator in charge of the first lecture which was on the Family, an issue that was addressed by the strength and emotion characteristic of the speaker and made the audience reflect on important points.
the morning of March 19, St. Joseph's Day, began at dawn with the Eucharist itself, celebrated by Father Txema, there were already gathered representatives from 21 of the 27 local Salesian Cooperators made throughout the country.
After breakfast, the Provincial Council paid tribute to the simple and moving very dear Alicia Tovar, who with other emotional words, adorned the morning of the feast of St. Joseph. Building
emotion, attendees were presented, one by one describing his apostolic work, experience and wealth of the 21 centers that were made witnesses in this conference.
Pablo Farfan seems surprised at the claim |
The duty was now for the special guest, World Consultant for the Pacific, Caribbean and South, Pablo Farfan, who from their experience clarified important points concerning the identity of the Salesian Cooperator from the study of Apostolic Life Regulations and the Articles of Association which are still "at experimentum
The bell of the house manager, Mr. Carlos Porras, announced that the time flies and it was time to reload batteries frugal lunch had been prepared.
Angel Oropeza |
After the break, the opportunity came to Angel Oropeza, who with his fluent and entertaining word, walked attendees through the different stages of social realities, political and ecclesiastical our Venezuela.
With language and very transparent family friend who pleaded Eudists heart, took the immediacy of reflection time and planted in the audience.
After praying vespers and dinner, came the most awaited moment for the share of these, the happy night, which is marked by the presence of delicacies of each region of our country, music, dancing, and surprises too nice.
the twins stole the show |
's godson and his Quartet Music | classical
's nephew and his Salsa Casino |
The Guaros stole the attention from the start, including costume. However Asmiriam Montilla, Provincial Coordinator, strove to achieve the delight of the audience and gave them the presence of groups of classical music and salsa dance casino, emphasizing the collaboration of his godson in classical music with his quartet Dudamel pupils teacher, and his nephew, standing in the group of Salsa Casino, champions in major competitions about this genre of dance.
Sharing was graced with the presence of the Inspector of the FMA, Sor María Eugenia Ramos, who welcomed the initiative and expressed his joy to accompany the present.
Carlos Alvarado representing |
Carlos Alvarado broke the rules, while Margarita had videos on his apostolic experience, broke dressed in the manner of the 60 or 70, embodying the popular singer once recalled generation, IVO, guitar in hand, boot pants wide contemporary hair, big glasses, hair on chest and period music that thrilled young people attending the meeting, desperately seeking the writ that threw on the floor upon realizing the presence of renowned musician.
Sor María Eugenia Ramos and Asmiriam |
midnight already scratching the Guaros Consultant gave a reminder to the World, an image of the Divina Pastora, was closed to them , the evening is always enough time to share the joy of reunion.
Sunday morning March 20 began with the Eucharist of the Transfiguration, this time chaired by the Inspector of the SDB. Father Luciano Stefanni, who then accompanied the attendees for the official photograph of the event, when happy, moving and where saturated clik expectations. Everyone wanted to immortalize the event. Sister Alicia Boscan
FMA, Provincial Delegate for the FMA to the Salesian Cooperators, took his turn and reflected on his participation in the regional meeting for delegates of the Salesian Family. Delved into the Salesian charism, confirming the humanism in the Spirit of St. Francis de Sales, which converts the vocation of Cooperators in real Salesians in the world.
FMA Sister Alicia Boscan |
Pablo Farfan, ended the conference with his dissertation on the Regulations of Apostolic Life, especially in the membership and training Salesian Cooperator.
Some of the participants withdrew early, many leave their present and souvenirs, invitations to visit the various regions were open to all, Margaret was the closest, then nine brothers promise on Tuesday 22 March. Attendees left with a light heart and strengthened her vocation someone told me to leave, "how happy I am to become a Salesian Cooperator.
Provincial Council fully |
Alicia Tovar was the subject of a warm tribute |
The joy was characteristic of the meeting |
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